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Case Studies

Case Studies

Here are comments from some of our most satisfied clients:

Undoubtedly, the initial cost will quickly recoup itself through time savings on payroll alone! Their after sales service has been so good that I would happily recommend them to other supermarkets...
Wally George
Owner/Operator AUR Supermarket Mooloolah
To be perfectly honest, I'd rather our competitors didn't buy it [GenesisPro] as it provides us with an additional management tool and productivity control mechanism that they don't have. For a relatively small outlay we realised immediate savings.
Rick Nothard
Financial Controller, Sheraton Brisbane
Not only do we get more accurate timesheets, but we can now compare costs vs revenue on any particular function, bar or process the very next day.
Rudi Van Altena
Banquet Manager, Sheraton Brisbane
The switch to SME and the handpunch has been well worthwhile. It makes timesheets and payroll so much easier...and we must be saving in excess of $5,000 p.a. in management time alone!
Anabel Braham
Financial Controller, Rangers Valley Feed Lot
The time and access system captures all our attendance times and reduces the time taken to produce payroll by at least 50%. We feel it has been a very worthwhile investment.
Marilynn Davey
Administration Officer, Southside Sports and Community Centre
Dicey Riley's are reaping the rewards of this fantastic technology, both financially and culturally. It has made a big difference to the way our business functions.
Alan Clark
Day Manager, Dicey Riley's Garden City
We can now calculate our production and departmental costs on a daily, weekly and monthly basis with the press of a button...its dead simple, and it does everything that we wanted it to do!
Fred Auret
Financial Controller, Poolrite